Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Delicious.com [Jjam Ppong]

Don’t you just love seeing the array of foods that you can choose from in a grand buffet? If you want the endless choices of websites whether they are new, old, exotic, exciting or resourceful, delicious.com is here to help you! Delicious is a social bookmarking site, which is ranked fairly high, placing 2695th rank according to Alexa. Main users come from USA holding 26.9%, followed by India, China, Germany and the UK.

This website allows the users to visit different Internet websites that were not know to them or were not able to find them. When the users do not have enough time to surf the site they want, or do not want to lose the information of that website, Delicious.com allows them to bookmark the website and revisit the site anytime in the future when they have time.

The website also allows users to tag, save, manage, and share web pages all in one place. It allows the users to bookmark any site in the Internet and additionally, one can see the same bookmarks that one has made using different computers.

Delicious makes it possible and easy to keep track of all websites and keep them in sync. Users are not limited to the individually created bookmarks but open to the bookmarks of friends or anyone visiting the site. They could click on 'popular tags' to look into sites that are interesting to the other users and they could also look into the sites that others have saved as their bookmark!

The bookmarks arrange themselves according to the tags that they were assigned to by the users. So if one has found a site about Filipino food, and tags it as 'Filipino' and 'food', the website could be found under those tags. Easy! :) loads of sites would burst out per tags!

As you open the website, you see a list of popular bookmarks and a list of popular tags such as art, reference, tutorials, photography to name a few. The list is made as a compilation of the most visited bookmarks, and the most clicked tags by users of delicious.com.

For businesses or for certain people like artists or cooks, having their website marked as a popular bookmark or be included in the list of popular tags may be an advantage since it increases the chance that people may visit their page and of course, see what they have to offer, which may eventually lead to a sale.
In short, delicious.com is a tool for sharing of valuable and interesting information, and it may also be used for indirect advertising, which can be viewed as a business value of the website.



- Its first and foremost advantage is that it is personalized. You can make your own categories to group your bookmarked websites. You can also edit your profile.

- This website provides benefits of being able to access wanted sites anytime the user wishes to. It is well organized and user friendly in the sense that even the first timers can actually use it without difficulty. There is a demo tour and a “getting started” action for beginners.

- The search engine is also smarter, and more social. (As aforementioned above) you can search within one of your tags, another user’s public bookmarks, or your social network. Now it’s easier to take advantage of the expertise and interests of your friends, not to mention the Delicious community at large.

- The Delicious Team is constantly transitioning Delicious over to a new platform that would be of advantage to users. Delicious.com former website name is del.icio.us.com, which is obviously hard for people to remember, find the site and share it with their friends. The Delicious team is not just hearing out requests and questions of the users but they are putting these into actions. The new website is faster to traffic growth while ensuring that Delicious is still reliable. The bookmarks are sorted alphabetically and categorized into bundles of interest.

- The Delicious Team are actually replying to the messages of the users and trying to address their concerns. It only shows that the team is concerned with their users.


- One needs to download the add-on first before one can use it. It’s a waste of time for someone who avail computer rentals. He/she can only log in to his/her account but to make use of it, he/she has to download the add-on all over again.

- The page needs some work. The font is too small and the bookmarks look a little crowded. The page should be colored brighter to make it more exciting to look at.

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